Web Projects - Recent websites.
Web Projects - Recent websites.
Web Projects - Recent websites.
Web Projects - Recent websites.
Web Projects - Recent websites.
Web Projects - Recent websites.
BB tube - Mobile Marketing Project for Banco do Brasil. High Level Interactivity.
Hexagonal Construcoes - Website for de building contruction.
Mobile Studio - Studio mobile
Bora Bora - Flash Players for agenda events. BoraBora is residencial resort in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.
Cativeiro - Content Mobile for phone operator Oi (Telemar).
Oscila - Hotsite and mkt mobile for the Oscila (cont mobile).
Oscila - Hotsite and mkt mobile for the Oscila (cont mobile).
ProLar - Layout for ProLar the virtual store. Make archteture navigation and creating search filter "Acerte no Presente".
Castelo das Pedras - Project for the music funk club Castelo das Pedras. Crewwww nível 5!!!!!!
Uirah Prado
Graphic Designer Rio de Janeiro, Brazil