"TIME KEEPER". ART MOMENT festival. Diploma. Sponsor - "HENKEL" GMBH - Sculpture. Height 55 sm. Contains a secret storage area inside. Plastic, collage, paint, mirror mosaics. In the future three-dimensional model of the skeleton suggests making any size.
"TIME KEEPER". ART MOMENT festival. Diploma. Sponsor - "HENKEL" GMBH - Sculpture. Height 50 sm. Plastic, Glass mirror, mixed media.
"TIME KEEPER". ART MOMENT festival. Diploma. Sponsor - "HENKEL" GMBH - Sculpture. Height 50 sm. Plastic, Glass mirror, mixed media.
TIME KEEPER. "ART MOMENT" FESTIVAL DIPLOMA. SPONSOR - "HENKEL GMBH" - Sculpture. Height 50 sm. Plastic, Glass mirror, mixed media.
"MY BLOOD & LIFE STRIPES" - 2009, 1520x570, PVC, oil, acrylic, gold leaf. Dedicated to all mothers
"MY BLOOD & LIFE STRIPES" - 2009, 1520x570, PVC, oil, acrylic, gold leaf
"MY BLOOD & LIFE STRIPES" - 2009, 1520x570, PVC, oil, acrylic, gold leaf
"MY BLOOD & LIFE STRIPES" - 2009, 1520x570, PVC, oil, acrylic, gold leaf