In an age of mass production, all the goods offered for consumption is not unique. Majority of the goods in the market works the same. Hence, Function is no longer the distinguishing factors for the products in the market. People are always trying to be unique and iconic. Minimal – I see it as an attitude, a way of being, it can be traced back to Zen Buddhism, the Middle Way, it seen as the best way to find balance. It is promoted as a guide to a more fulfilling life, somehow means “enough”. “Less is more” which is used to describe minimal. Apply it to a product, “less” can means, less decoration, material, characteristic, components, manufacturing process…etc. When the design keeps as minimal as possible, it will become “silence” and “peaceful”. Then, user can input their personal interpretation and imagination. Which means the user will experience individuality and enjoy own unique product.
Those weaved latex tube created the surface in diamond shape for supporting human body. There are 6 diamond patterns in 3 different layers to keep the user in the right level and comfortable sitting posture. And each diamond pattern is directly supporting different parts of human body such as legs, hips, waist, back and arms. It is a surprise for people that this design does not look like a lounge chair or even a chair until sitting on it. The expansion of latex tube creates a new sit experience – flowing, like sitting on the air.
50/50 Chair

50/50 Chair is a design that designer do 50% on the basic structure of the chair and the user do 50% to define the finally form to complete the chair. The design keep as minimal as possible and explores new possibilities of creating a comfortable lounge chair, without using large surfaces of leather of large volumes of cushioning but using traditional furniture technique of weaving the latex tube on the steel frame to the human body. The design makes it possible to keep in a simple manufacturing process and using less amount and types of materials compare with the traditional lounge chair. It only made by a welded steel frame and latex tubes.

Jeffrey Leung
Industrial and Product design Hong Kong, Hong Kong