" Semi Modular Tableware set " - Designing in tableware that employ a semi modular system
" Flexibrush ( flexible-brush ) " - The Multi-Functional Brush has been integrated with flexness of comb and sturdy toilet brush in order to support every toilet area.
" Bending Shelf " - The combination of product design and glasswork is made by burning glass in proper temperature to create tortuos shape of wall shelf.
"Laid Man" - "Laid Man" has on inspiration by sculpture of Henry Moore. There are two models showing different techniques.
" Atlas cup " - Water glass is made by stencil technique and coated with color engobe that makes difference. All the three glasses have been thrown neatly inthe very same size.
" Green package " - The contribution in Thai Star Package Design has a concept of Green package that mean any product friendly to the environment. in this work, I would like to present its recycled materials such as PVC plastic and I tried to avoid using paper which causes cutting trees.
" First AID(s) " - The print adsvertising campaign for AIDS prevention presents the harmfulness of AIDS. it teases with the phrases "First Aid" which means sysbolized by red cross and "First Aids" which symbolized by the rood that means death.
"Leave me alone" - For some many girls who always have to face armpit problem by using material to pull off those hair, now they have a new way that will not harm their skin and give more efficient result."D'LAY Hair Minimizing & whitening Roll-on" has quality to delay hair growth and whitening the skin.
" Motorola V3 Mock-up " - The paper model of real model that is made to study about design technique and artist's concept.
" Tea pot set " - The tea pot is made in modern form, give worm feeling from its light brown color. The tea pot is set into 2 parts. Each part can be apart into two cups which snapped to lock each cups.
" Ceramic Bookmark " - The modern ceramic is molded up by considering of function and form. it can be used as bookmark as well as decorated item.
" Aboriginal wine ceramic cup " - The oinment molded for brass sculpture is made in drip form falling onto water surface that reflects and ripples.
"Seperate Trash" - The print advertising campaign for seperate garbage before dumping. it aims to actuate people to know that there are many different color on each type of garbage pails so seperating garbage is not a hard thing to do.
" Melting Holiday CD cover " - CD cover design for japanese pop band "Melting Holiday".Pink graphic represents live sounds and delightful lady.
" Cat " - From the picture, I would like to express the harm in cat's eyes that sometimes seen pretty but actually it still has hunter instinct.
" The glamour of Thai temple " - The composition of warm & cool presented in golden-orange which shows the glamour of Thai temple, including blue and purple that balance the colors of ovarall.
" Cho-faa " - " Cho-faa " ,eventthought on top of Lanna temple's roof is always paid attention by visitors. The shape is beautiful fantastically and the gold presents prosperity.
some of my work