Sienna, 2014. This photo represents Sienna because she is a very curious dog. She is always wondering what your doing and at times, can be very nosey. Anytime Sienna observes she always has this type of expression on her face.
Sienna, 2014.
This picture also depicts Sienna's curious nature, by the way she looks and observes the apple. I have only had Sienna for a short time, but, she is definitely one curious and nosey dog.
Tommasina, 2014.
Tommasina is a very cute and laid back Guinea Pig. However, at times she can have more then one personality. Sometimes, she is a very sweet and happy little piggy, and sometimes she can be the bully in the cage. This picture represents her because it shows her laid back but, the lighting effects show the other sides of her personality.