Game Panorama: (2013) My game starts with the main character entering Burke's Package Store. The inside of the store has an weird feeling to it, but the main character decides to buy something anyway. The object they buy is a bottle of potion that supposedly helps keep someone awake. Once outside, the character takes a sip of the potion, and it immediately starts to take effect.
The main character turns around to find that everything is weird. The main character panics and starts to feel light head.
Then, a figure named The Spirit of Ecstasy comes to the main character in a vision, it tells him that he must find a Pepper Berry. The Spirit tells him, "you must find a rare berry known as the Pepper Berry, only that will able to get rid of the effects of the potion."
The main character manages to find a Pepper Berry, he eats it and finds that it's a very spicy berry. He passes out due to the intense spice, but wakes up to find that he is no longer poisoned. He goes to his car, and finds that the potion he bought did indeed work, after looking at the date, he realized that before he passed out, he had been awake for three days.

Depth of Field: The process in which one central detail in a photo is highlighted and in focus, and the rest of the photo is not in focus. This is known as a Shallow DOF DOF is also used in landscape shots where you take different pictures and combine them to make one image. This is known as High DOF