The six elements of art: 1. Line 2. Space 3. Shape 4. Texture 5. Color 6. Value
Line- This image represents line because of the lines that are apparent in this photo. (2013)
Edited Using- Brightness/Contrast
Space- This image represents space because of the very open atmosphere in this photo. (2013)
Edited Using- Hue and Saturation
Shape- This image represents shape because the bottle is the largest part of the picture, and the background is blurred out. (2013)
Edited Using- Curves
Texture- This image represents texture because of the wood grain pattern apparent in this picture. (2013)
Edited Using- Vibrance
Color- This image represents color because the leaf is the only source of bright color within the photo. (2013)
Edited Using- Exposure
Value- This image represents value because the photo is black and white. (2013)
Edited Using- Black and White
Elements of Art
The six elements of art: 1. Line 2. Space 3. Shape 4. Texture 5. Color 6. Value