Lumberjack Font - Updated download link:
Masking Tape Font - Masking Tape is a font designed to be perfect for masking images. Each letter is monospaced and square. The maximum amount of space is used for each letter. Download this font here:
Masking Tape Font - Masking Tape is a font designed to be perfect for masking images. Each letter is monospaced and square. The maximum amount of space is used for each letter. The Eiffel Tower picture used in this example was taken by Samuel Murray. Check out his photography and design at Carbonmade! Download this font here:
Masking Tape Font - Masking Tape is a font designed to be perfect for masking images. Each letter is monospaced and square. The maximum amount of space is used for each letter. Download this font here:
Fancy Shit - A new font I'm working on. This will be released for free when it's finished.
Font Design
Tyler Paige
Freelance Graphic Designer Millstone Twp., NJ