Initial model. Using a rubberized, full sphere as the handle the user is free to apply their own specific holding technique.
Chef's knife with a spherical handle made of Canadian pine which, over time, will mould to the shape derived from the user's preferred holding technique. First presentation board.
Second presentation board.
Third presentation board.
Model usage.
Spherical handle interaction detail.
ERGONOMICS: Knife Handle Design

"Palmblade" is my rethink of how knives are typically handled linearly. This design attempts to optimize wrist use and offers an infinite number of holding possibilities given that the handle is a sphere of softwood that moulds to the user's hand over time. The sphere also offers relief to myriad other holding positions when one becomes uncomfortable, thus avoiding strain on the wrist, hand or fingers.

By virtue of its geometry, Palmblade is an ambidextrous product.

Scott Graham
Industrial Design Technologist Ottawa, Canada