Greek Us - Greek Us is a social networking site catering to the Greek communities in various educational institutions. I developed a logo and identity for the organization, playing with the idea of communication and letterforms.
Community Ladders - Community Ladders is a non-profit specializing in providing affordable financial planning services. In order to appeal to a younger audience and to stand out from other personal finance providers, the logo utilizes imagery that speaks of building blocks, upward mobility, and a staircase.
MARC - Logo developed for a conference for academics in marketing.
Undergraduate Marketing Conference - Logo and identity developed for a conference aimed at undergraduate marketing students.
Undergraduate Marketing Conference Collateral
Undergraduate Marketing Conference - Web site designed to support the conference.
Strider Art Logo - Developed for an art distribution startup.
Logo for a Fellowship in the R.H. Smith School of Business
Symbol for R.H. Smith Design and Innovation in Marketing Fellowship
We were asked to propose an identity for a fashion boutique called "Rudely Decadent." My solution uses a balance between sophistication and chaos to communicate a high-value brand with lots of personality.
Maryland Racquetball Club Logo
Tau Beta Pi Logo - Logo developed for the UMCP chapter of Tau Beta Pi, the official fraternity for engineering students. The logo uses the mascot of the university as well as the symbol of the fraternity, the bent.
Logos and Identity
Anna Tulchinskaya
Graphic Designer Alexandria, VA