City Scene

Mobile app for local search and navigation using panorama imagery Nokia/Navteq cars collected

Competing Google Street View was available on other platforms, so I organized the active users to show and tell what they use it for and how. Based on the results we created the UI Flows with a graphical designer.

We saw we could highlight automatically logos of businesses in the panoramas but we had to allow free inspection of other vital details, like road markings and traffic signs.

We also observed users avoiding the transitions between disconnected map and panorama views, so we designed continuous 3D transitions between them to minimize the load.

I organized 2 usability tests and, in collaboration with a local university, a field trial where 10 tourists used the app freely during their trip. The results were published in MobileHCI'13.

We released the app in Nokia Store with great reviews and an article in Engadget. The project also won the Research category in Nokia Excellence 2012

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Tuomas Vaittinen
User Experience Consultant Helsinki, Finland