Golden Jubilee IIT Kanpur Publicity - The publicity work of Golden Jubilee IIT Kanpur inaugural event was designed by Thinking Threads. It ranged from designing the posters, invitations, banners to CD covers etc. The emphasis was put on having a unified theme across.
Golden Jubilee IIT Kanpur Publicity - banners - The publicity work of Golden Jubilee IIT Kanpur inaugural event was designed by Thinking Threads .It ranged from designing the posters, invitations, banners to CD covers etc. The emphasis was put on having a unified theme across.
Golden Jubilee IIT Kanpur Publicity - The publicity work of Golden Jubilee IIT Kanpur inaugural event was designed by Thinking Threads .It ranged from designing the posters, invitations, banners to CD covers etc. The emphasis was put on having a unified theme across.
Golden Jubilee IIT Kanpur Publicity - The publicity work of Golden Jubilee IIT Kanpur inaugural event was designed by Thinking Threads .It ranged from designing the posters, invitations, banners to CD covers etc. The emphasis was put on having a unified theme across.
Golden Jubilee IIT Kanpur Publicity - The publicity work of Golden Jubilee IIT Kanpur inaugural event was designed by Thinking Threads .It ranged from designing the posters, invitations, banners to CD covers etc. The emphasis was put on having a unified theme across.
Golden Jubilee IIT Kanpur Publicity - The publicity work of Golden Jubilee IIT Kanpur inaugural event was designed by Thinking Threads .It ranged from designing the posters, invitations, banners to CD covers etc. The emphasis was put on having a unified theme across.
Publicity Works