Smithsonian "The Buck Stops Here" - This poster series was created as a visual representation of the history of a few common phrases for a fictional exhibit at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. With a focus on phrases coined by U.S. Presidents throughout history, the series explains how each phrase was used in shaping the history of the United States in a stylistic digital collage of images and motifs. Each poster in the series is 12in x 28in.
Smithsonian "A Chicken in Every Pot" - This poster series was created as a visual representation of the history of a few common phrases for a fictional exhibit at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. With a focus on phrases coined by U.S. Presidents throughout history, the series explains how each phrase was used in shaping the history of the United States in a stylistic digital collage of images and motifs. Each poster in the series is 12in x 28in.
Smithsonian "Don't Swap Horses in Midstream" - This poster series was created as a visual representation of the history of a few common phrases for a fictional exhibit at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. With a focus on phrases coined by U.S. Presidents throughout history, the series explains how each phrase was used in shaping the history of the United States in a stylistic digital collage of images and motifs. Each poster in the series is 12in x 28in.