Overall front view, with the building wall removed.
Birdseye view, with roof removed.
Floor plan, showing clearance at chokepoints.
Birdseye rendering, showing borax wagons of the Death Valley Conservancy in the adjacent space.
Floor plan.
Entry view from building doorway.
View looking toward the far left corner of the exhibit space.
View of timeline display.
Mockup of an interactive unit. The counterweight at left pulls the movable panel, which has wheels and the question printed on top, back to the reset position when it's released. The final design utilized a spring loaded "Pull box" instead, but this idea used gravity to reset the sliders.
Overhead view from the entry with What's a Mule? visible to the left, and Pulling Mules to the right.
Military Mules, featuring a Model 1924 Phillips Pack Saddle on display. Mules to Motors and Riding Mules can be seen in the background.
Detail of Stereotypes & Prejudices, with the Zoetrope above and the sliding interactive unit below. Pack mules is visible to the right.
Closeup of the interactive, with the zoetrope above and sliding interactive below. The answers to the questions on the left are revealed when the slider moves to the right.
The Riding Mules area, showing both historical examples and recreational use in today's world.
Mules in the South, explaining the infamous "Forty acres and a mule" promise.
Part of the Pulling Mules section, which has four more flip panels.
The Timeline, showing the mule from ancient times to today.
The Mule in America

These images represent work done on The Mule in America exhibit installed at the Laws Railroad Museum in Bishop, California. I worked with Ted Faye of Gold Creek Films, who acted as the curator for the exhibit. He developed the basic structure of the topics, provided images, and wrote the text.

I translated his ideas into the dimensional exhibits. There were initially three layouts presented as black & white sketches, of which one revised example is shown here. The final design was developed from there.

The exhibit debuted on May 25, 2022.

Freelance, Full-time
Thomas Rupp
Senior designer Mission Viejo, CA