all rights ad images
All rights ad images.
World's best models - from camera 2U
All rights model release - from camera 2U.
photos4sale - call - top Australian swimsuit/face model
photo 4sale - call - best selling cover model
art nudes only
ad images - Now you can design your own photo image for your advertising - we can often deliver in 24 hours.
Magazine Covers - Photos that sell magazines, products. Point of purchase advertising.Advertising Posters
Top product model - GOOD photo models $$$ell - any thing...
Dancers wanted. - Hats off to all those dedicated dancers and gymnasts. We Salute You!!!
Dimples - Imperfections - make prefect...
Top cover grils can $$$ell ANYthing...
Motivatinal Images - Computer, Camera and hand drawn images. You imagine it we can do it...
Trees Bring Rain - Australian Environmental Statement Landscape... Every Oz city has become a modern rainforest - flooding regularly - yet water restrictions continue, as nearby water catchments turn into deserts.
Environmental Photo Art Statement - Every desert was born in a River Bed. Every Sun was once a livable world like Earth. Rivers and creeks across the Australian continent today BRIM WITH HOT DRY SAND where only 50 years ago fish visibly once swam; and wild ducks once played.
Jodie - magazine cover girl
acting, modeling, language mimic - All Aussies are natural language mimics :-)
catwalk model - Jodie M - A natural nymph's figure any woman would die for...
top cover model - Multi talented cover model.
Easter Island, Haiti - WHAT were they THINKING??? - If OUR EARTH was was an orange - how much of its cooling skin would STILL be left? Global warming: from within - or 'without'??? Forget ice melt... Drop two teaspoons of sugar in an already full cup of coffee. THINK WHAT HAPPENS! In one year, how much does this undisputed global topsoil loss cause ocean levels to rise?
paypal ART SALE jpegs - Where does the future of pro photography lie? With magazines, newspapers everywhere dead and dying... And are they really? Can they adapt? Outside-the-square thinkers urgently needed ...
Trever J Wilkins
Inventor, graphic designer, photo-artist Noosa Heads, Australia