New specialized interface and workflow for creating posts in the “Cars and
Trucks” category on Craigslist
New specialized interface and workflow for creating posts in the “Cars and
Trucks” category on Craigslist
Targeted Users in the “Cars and
Trucks” category on Craigslist
Posting Process Wireframes - New specialized interface and workflow for creating posts in the “Cars and
Trucks” category on Craigslist
Upload Images Wireframes - New specialized interface and workflow for creating posts in the “Cars and Trucks” category on CraigslistEnter Your Description Here
Review Submission Wireframes - New specialized interface and workflow for creating posts in the “Cars and Trucks” category on CraigslistEnter Your Description Here
Completed Screen Wireframe - New specialized interface and workflow for creating posts in the “Cars and Trucks” category on Craigslist