I draw almost everyday on the subway and do all the colouring in Photoshop. Check my stuff out at my Instagram account @traviswinch.
I draw almost everyday on the subway and do all the colouring in Photoshop. Check my stuff out at my Instagram account @traviswinch.
I participate in the #lifeformdrawingclub Instagram group with weekly topics to draw. I draw almost everyday on the subway and do all the colouring in Photoshop. Check my stuff out at my Instagram account @traviswinch.
I brew beer and every beer I brew I create a label.
I participate in the #lifeformdrawingclub Instagram group with weekly topics to draw. I draw almost everyday on the subway and do all the colouring in Photoshop. Check my stuff out at my Instagram account @traviswinch.
Space Rocket History Fan Art. I listen to an amazing Podcast by Mike Annis called Space Rocket History. I was inspired to send in an illustration for him.
Grumpy Santa Says...
Oh No! Damn Cat!
Am I Fly? - Some graphic work I did for another card. Why the dog and cat you wonder, Why not? Actually I'm still on the fence about them there. I may just get rid of them. Note the blingin' lens flare off the little guy's wedding ring. People who know me know I go livid when lens flares are used, however, it was needed to complete the scene...and I think it works well.
Zombie Girl - This shot is a low resolution excercise of an idea that I have, inspired by the Electro-Industrial band "Zombie Girl". All from Photoshop using a slew of layers, I made many subtle effects to create the harshly morbid and grotesque envirnment.
Skull In' - Another composite job using multiple photos. Now how many skulls do you see?
Big Hug - Another Illustration I worked on recently.
Approved Concept - Side - From the contest to meeting with Andrew Wojteczko of AutoAnalyzer, and seeing the car in person and taking photos, to designing, what I think, is one of the best designs I've seen for a track car. I can't wait to see this monster roar in anger on the track! Thanks Andrew for allowing me the opportunity to be involved in one of the coolest projects I have ever been a part of.
Approved Concept - Front - From the contest to meeting with Andrew Wojteczko of AutoAnalyzer, and seeing the car in person and taking photos, to designing, what I think, is one of the best designs I've seen for a track car. I can't wait to see this monster roar in anger on the track! Thanks Andrew for allowing me the opportunity to be involved in one of the coolest projects I have ever been a part of.
Approved Concept - Rear - From the contest to meeting with Andrew Wojteczko of AutoAnalyzer, and seeing the car in person and taking photos, to designing, what I think, is one of the best designs I've seen for a track car. I can't wait to see this monster roar in anger on the track! Thanks Andrew for allowing me the opportunity to be involved in one of the coolest projects I have ever been a part of.
Graphic Design and Illustration

I draw almost everyday on the subway. I usually draw with pencil and paper and do all my colouring and compositing in Photoshop.
I have a tonne of illustrations and it's continually growing. Check them all out at my Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/traviswinch/

Travis Winch
Creative Brainstormer, 3D Visualization, Animation Production, Rendering, Illustration Toronto, Canada