SYDA Foundation - Display/Signage - Display pieces for events and courses for non-profit SYDA Foundation
SYDA Foundation - Display/Signage - Display pieces for events and courses for non-profit SYDA Foundation
SYDA Foundation - Display/Signage - Display pieces for events and courses for non-profit SYDA Foundation
SYDA Foundation - Display/Signage - Display pieces for events and courses for non-profit SYDA Foundation
Builder MT-Corrigo - Event Sign - Sign for trade event for Builder MT Warranty Management system - a white-labeled Corrigo product.
Sprint-Corrigo - Event Sign - Event sign for Sprint Sales Event for Corrigo Product Offerings (white label)
Marble Bluff Dam - USFWS, NPS Interpretive Panels - Contract Graphic Designer for company that designs and fabricates museum and interpretive displays. All work performed independently. Projects included: Design of interpretive panels for USFWS and NPS including San Luis NWR and Marble Bluff Dam and Fish Passage Facility: Using information provided by USFWS and writers to extract pertinent data for both textual and visual dissemination of information
Marble Bluff Dam - USFWS, NPS Interpretive Panels - Contract Graphic Designer for company that designs and fabricates museum and interpretive displays. All work performed independently. Projects included: Design of interpretive panels for USFWS and NPS including San Luis NWR and Marble Bluff Dam and Fish Passage Facility: Using information provided by USFWS and writers to extract pertinent data for both textual and visual dissemination of information
Marble Bluff Dam - USFWS, NPS Interpretive Panels - Contract Graphic Designer for company that designs and fabricates museum and interpretive displays. All work performed independently. Projects included: Design of interpretive panels for USFWS and NPS including San Luis NWR and Marble Bluff Dam and Fish Passage Facility: Using information provided by USFWS and writers to extract pertinent data for both textual and visual dissemination of information
Signage and Displays
Tracy Wessel
Graphic Designer & Writer Sandy, OR