Garbage Art, 2014: SC1
Garbage Art, 2014: SC2+
Macro shot, 2014: Artist Choice -Black and White (preset- green filter) -Exposure (+0.19) -Offset (-0.0020) -Gamma Correction (0.89)
Recyclable Still Life's

Artist Statement:
Richard and Judy Lang had a "little weird idea" and acted upon it. With that in mind, this couple devoted themselves to a small beach where they found plastic and used it to create beauty. During this project, I learned how to take ordinary objects that I would normally recycle and throw away and turn it into art. This particular idea is something I would have never thought of but found to be unique and different. For my first image, I chose selective color on the star because purple is one of my favorite colors and I love stars. For my second image, I chose to select multiple garbage to show the colors of the rainbow and how I organized them to flow together. Finally for my last image which was my artist choice, I chose to use my macro shot and turn it black and white to keep it simplistic so that the effects don't take away from the actual image.

Diana Torsiello
Student Sparta Township, NJ