Unity/Harmony, 2014. -exposure (+0.84) -Gamma Correction (0.85) -Brightness (20) -Contrast (-2)
Contrast, 2014. -Black and white -Exposure (+0.95) -Gamma Correction (0.67) -Brightness (12) -Contrast (56)
Movement, 2014. -Exposure (+0.57) -Gamme Correction (0.90) -Brightness (19) -Contrast (13) -Sepia (hue- 42, saturation- 69)
Pattern/Repetition, 2014. -Contrast (25) -Brightness (16) -Gamme Correction (0.84)
Emphasis, 2014. -Black and white with the preset "lighter" -Exposure (+0.46) -Gamma Correction (0.75) -Contrast (22)
Balance, 2014. -Exposure (+0.79) -Gamma Correction (0.62) -Brightness (6) -Contrast (46)
Size/Scale, 2014. -Exposure (+0.73) -Gamma Correction (0.83) -Brightness (7) -Contrast (25)
Elements: 1. Color (Hue)- in the graffiti 2. Line- the top of picture/underneath the bridge Principles: 1. Emphasis- draws attention toward the graffiti instantly 2. Unity/Harmony- without one of the pieces of graffiti, the photograph would not be the same -Brightness (28) -Contrast (36) -Exposure (+0.08) -Gamma Correction (0.81)
Principles of Design

Principles of Design: the different arrangements or compositions of the elements of design to create artistic, interesting, and more visually powerful photographs.

1. Emphasis- points of interest to pull the viewer to importance
2. Balance- sense of stability in a body of work (equal weight)
3. Unity/Harmony- all parts equal a whole
4. Contrast- opposites and differences in the work
5. Movement/Rhythm- directing the viewer throughout
6. Pattern/Repetition- occurs over and over again
7. Size/Scale- comparing small and large

Diana Torsiello
Student Sparta Township, NJ