Halls, 2014. Story- Laura is indeed a ghost who wanders the halls of Sparta High School in hope that the ones she left behind will soon move on from her sudden death. However ironically Laura seems to be the one who needs to let go of her old life and move on as she is constantly keeping an eye out on the kids she went to school with to see how they`re doing and to try and keep up with what`s going on in their lives. Photoshop: -black and white (no preset) on background image
Crying, 2014 Story- Kayla can`t seem to move on from her old life as she cries in the hall of the school she never got to graduate from. She is sad and misses the way things used to be when she was alive. Photoshop: -black and white (no preset) on background image
Falling, 2014. Story: Nicole has fallen while trying to walk across the fence and struggles to get herself up. Photoshop: *Exposure +0.30 *Offset 0.0633 *Gamma Correction 0.93
Walking on Keys, 2014. Story: Nicole enjoys music but prefers to play her instruments in a different way than usual. Instead of playing with her hands, Nicole walks across the keys of her piano and listens to the sound it lets out. Photoshop: *Exposure +0.35
Depth of Field

Aperture- a device that controls the unit of measurement that defines the size of the opening in the lens that adjusts the amount of light admitted.

Depth of Field- the amount of distance between the nearest and farthest objects that appear in acceptably sharp focus in a photograph.

Diana Torsiello
Student Sparta Township, NJ