I Fear No Evil, 2016. What is going on in this photo is an up close picture of something extraordinary about a human being. With that in mind, this specific tattoo captured creates emotion by showing a part of the subject that shows who they are. I was trying to show that unordinary side of humans that is not necessarily reflected and obvious at first glance. This tattoo shows the inner strength the subject has and how they "fear no evil" through the valley of the shadow of death because God and faith is in this persons life for comfort.
The Half of Me, 2016. What is going on in this photo is an up close picture of half of a humans face. In photographing this, I as trying to show the simplicity and the natural beauty in a human beings facial features all while using critical techniques such as the rule of thirds. As a result of this, the ordinary side of human beings are demonstrated in an extraordinary way.
Forever in Our Hearts, 2016. What is going on in this photo is an up close picture of something extraordinary about a human being. With that in mind, this specific tattoo captured creates emotion by showing a part of the subject that shows who they are. From this picture, one can conclude that this subject has experienced something worth remembering because of the dates of these occurances and the "forever in our hearts" symbol. This tattoo shows a side of pain, yet acceptance, and that is something extraordinary about a human being far beyond what is shown on the outside of oneself.
Unsinkable, 2016. What is going on in this photo is an up close picture of something extraordinary about a human being. In this photo particularly, one can see that the subject has experienced something that at one point in their lives has weighed them down like an anchor. However, the subject "refuses to sink." With that in mind, I was trying to show how hardships show personality and this tattoo makes that extraordinary.
May 18th 2014, 2016. What is going on in this photo is yet again an up close picture of something extraordinary. Just like the others, I was trying to capture the inside of a human while also capturing the outside in a way that shows more about a person then one would think. Similar to the other concentration with dates, this specific photograph shows a day that the subject will always remember. It is unclear whether it might be a painful one or a happy one, but regardless it is extraordinary.
Concentration- Extraordinary and Unordinary People

My concentration was Extraordinary and Unordinary people. What this means is capturing the unique sides of human beings that are not common and necessarily "normal." The theme of mine was tattoos because a tattoo is an extraordinary and unordinary mark on a human beings body that resembles something of importance to the subject. From doing so, I experienced a lot by learning how unique human beings are in their own way.

Diana Torsiello
Student Sparta Township, NJ