Nucleus Intranet
Project to Create a small, lightweight and basic intranet for an engineering company with 100-150 employees. The site was/is hosted on an internal server and uses only XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, and XML files.
The Project took about a month, and during that time I consulted the IT managers of the company, and the directors of said company.
The Intranet is a lightweight system by design and it's primary function is to help employees reach a complex network of online and locally hosted resources to help them with their jobs.
My Job entailed planning, designing and executing the site, which included working in Illustrator, Photoshop and Fireworks to create all the raster and vector graphics on the site and writing HTML, XML, JavaScript and CSS files in Dreamweaver.
A Detailed but Simple design language was borne from the Project, with a major focus on enhancing user experience, with a purposefully limited range of technologies, using clear visual hierarchy and functional design scheme.