Some glasses I made in Rhino then rendered using V-Ray
Some initial sketches for a cut-throat razor redesign
Final image of the redesigned razor
The inside of the device that I programmed
Initial sketch for a rotary cheese grater
developed cheese grater drawing
Rapid prototyped model of the final design.
The completed model
This is the sell board for my rotary cheese grater. I made the grater in Rhino, then rendered it. I used Photoshop to create the image,
How my bridge deploys. This was a project where we had to design a bridge where it had to turn 90 degrees at the end. It needed to deploy quickly and weigh minimal amounts.
This is a CAD image of the bridge.
Some concept sketching designing a speaker range for Tiffany & Co.
Development on the speaker for Tiffany&Co
Hand drawn render of a cutter
Hand drawn render of a paint roller
Hand drawn render of a watch

This is my portfolio of work from first and second year at university. I study Product Design Technology (Bsc) at the University of the West of England.

Tom Langford
Design Student Bristol, United Kingdom