L.A. Design Challenge - Audi's proposal for Motorsports of the future
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Product and Market Research - Market/Product Monitoring and trend scouting for Asia and North America. Proposals for future product planning.
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Suzuki Show Cars - Concepts for Suzuki Show Cars. Themed designs
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Suzuki Show Cars - Running prototypes of the Suzuki Show Cars
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Airplane Seatings - Ideations for airline seatings. Business Class and Economy seats.
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First Class Seating pods - 2d ideations for Boeing first class seating
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First Class Seating Pods - Boeing first class seating proposals in 3d
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Automotive Interiors - Photoshop and 3d cad drawings of Automotive Interiors.
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Subaru Concepts - Ideation sketchings
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Subaru Concepts - Ideation sketches
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Work Montage - My works
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Tomi Lin
Senior Industrial Designer/ Product Research Manager Irvine, CA