Creative Direction/Visual Designer on various website from various industries. All designs are based off a scope put together from kick-offs with clients.
Give Me Astoria. 2016. Homepage
Landing Page. 11 Hanover Square. 2016
Arista Physical Therapy and Wellness Center. New York, USA. 2016
Bodhizone. 2016
Midtown Tennis club. 2016
Amorelli Realty. 2015-16
KAS Lighting Inc. 2016
Children and Youth Salvation. 2016
Flavors New York City. 2016
Remedy Diner. 2016. Homepage.
Kefalonia Easy-Travel. 2016. Homepage
Kefalonia Easy-Travel. 2016. About Page
Tasty Green "Just Taste Better". 2016. Homepage
Palermo Restaurant. 2016. Homepage.
Abitino's Pizzeria. 2016. Homepage
Omni Fitness Center. 2015. Homepage.
Life Health Fitness. 2015-16
Pirreca Industries. 2016. Homepage
El Olvio Restaurant. 2016. Homepage
Genesis ECTME. Homepage. 2015
Perfect Strangers NYC. 2016
Website Design
Creative Direction/Visual Designer on various website from various industries. All designs are based off a scope put together from kick-offs with clients.