The typical Soaps In Depth cover, pre- and post-redesign. Most important change is from white glow to white halo on the logo. Also switched to more modern fonts, brighter colors, and bolder type and graphics treatments.
The goal for the table of contents was to make it cleaner and better organized, and to use larger photos. The tinted boxes near the center of each listing describe each show's dedicated section, a feature not called out in the old design.
Redesign of the lead News spread for Soaps In Depth. As with the entire redesign project, the main goals were modernization and flexibility. Also changed headlines to a serif font, setting news section apart from the rest of the book.
Ins & Outs is part of the news section, as can be seen from its appearance. But I wanted the Ins & Outs opener to have a splashier feel. Along with the title change, we now lead the spread with a large silo each week.
Aside from updating the fonts to a more modern selection, the main purpose of the feature redesign was to update the show title/contents treatment in the upper right, a motif that runs throughout each show's section.
Soaps In Depth redesign

How many people get this opportunity -- a second shot at a visual identity that you yourself had come up with years before! Upper management was quite happy with things the way they were, so I had to push for this. But I really felt like it was overdue, and once they saw the results, management agreed!

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Todd Slater
Art Director Caldwell, NJ