A celebrity magazine feature interview. The story was essentially Katie Couric talking about moving on after the death of her husband and the failed relationships that followed; my job was to keep the design fun and light while still staying respectful of the subject matter.
With much of my work having been done in the financial sector, it’s important to be able to make complex information understandable at a glance. But since in this case families are the target audience, it also needs to be colorful and acessible.
Days Of Our Lives 40th Anniversary Special • This oversized one-shot special was one of my favorite projects. I designed the cover and table of contents, and I am proud of the outcome.
For our many annual holiday extravaganzas, the challenge is always to come up with fresh visual ideas while the editorial content remains essentially the same from year to year. For this one, I was going for a vintage greeting card look.
In case you're not familiar with General Hospital, the male character's name is Lucky, and he finds himself in a romantic triangle. Hence the title! It's always a fun challenge to have a title like this thrown at you and to see what you can come up with... quickly, of course!
The annual Holiday section contains some of the most extravagant shoots of the year, and gets a lot of attention from readers and actors alike. So the design stakes are always high! I am responsible for all design and imaging.
Occasionally I am asked to work up visuals for potential new magazines. I always relish the opportunity to get out of the regular format and work "blue sky" so to speak.
I really enjoy cases like this where there is only one choice for lead art, and it's necessary to come up with a headline that interacts with that lead. If it's done right, it looks like the photo was shot specifically for the layout.
Editorial Design

The vast majority of my time at Bauer Publishing has been spent as Art Director of Soaps In Depth magazine, a position I have held since the publication's launch.
I was also half of a two-person team that built the first issue from the ground up.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Todd Slater
Art Director Caldwell, NJ