Nautical Flags ~ 2021 Swiss Army Knife design competition. Theme- Patterns of the World.
"It's a Wrap" Golden patterns wrapped with a polka-dot tape pattern ~ 2021 Swiss Army Knife design competition. Theme- Patterns of the World.
Navajo Sand Paintings ~ 2021 Swiss Army Knife design competition. Theme- Patterns of the World.
Folding Paper ~ 2021 Swiss Army Knife design competition. Theme- Patterns of the World.
SAK World Traveler ~ 2021 Swiss Army Knife design competition. Theme- Patterns of the World.
Victorinox ~Swiss Army Knife Design ~ 2021

2020/2021 Swiss Army Knife design competition. Theme- Patterns of the World. ~ Part-1
Completed- 05/30/20

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Todd Curtis Design
Graphic Design | Illustration | Lettering Design | Branding |... Los Angeles, CA