Completed walkways - styrene laser cut with mesh and aluminium wire.
Carefully bending the aluminium wire in the vice grip for the railings.
Creating little bits of stringy tendon like features with latex and string.
Using a back wall off-cut I then built a paper mache structure over the wires and once dry carved it. This was followed shortly by a layer of latex to give the vines an anatomical look as if it was skin like.
The next stage was creating the vine like tendrils that are growing out of the portal to the other dimension. What I decided to do was make a template from wire by laying it over a front facing set photo.
This is an image of the side wall in primer stage set against the technical drawing that I did of it.
I was able to work out a lot of the dimensions from front facing images as well as referencing on set photographs and concept art. The supports and walls were cut and scored on the laser cutter after being drawn on AutoCAD.
'Stranger Things' Portal (1:20 Scale)

This was a model made as part of my HND which depicts the portal that spawns in the laboratory from the Netflix TV show 'Stranger Things'. The project posed to us was to design and build a scaled down doorway from a film or television show.

The model is made of MDF, styrene, aluminium rod, latex and is finished with acrylic paint.

Although I wouldn't consider it amongst my best work, it is important to show how I could create a miniature from just images from a TV show. I also demonstrate some more CAD exercise.

Toby Maher
Production Artist Glasgow, United Kingdom