GoGrow was a project born out of a developing passion for Grow Your own. I set about trying to change the attitudes of the Consumer. Some see GYO as outdated and the preserve of the Retired.
But it's not. Its a way of supplementing your weekly shop with fresh, organic, home-grown Produce. What better way to teach your children to eat better?
By speaking to Allotment owners and visiting Local Support groups in Sheffield, I was able to build up a picture of growing Public interest, which was hampered by a lack of innovative solutions to the problem.
People just don't have the space or time to Grow their own.
My product is a Seasonal, space effective growing area. It is built into outdoor Decking, so that the product is hidden under the surface when in use, giving the visual effect of it not being there.
When winter Rolls around, the product can be turned upside-down and dropped back into the decking, hidden away until the spring.