26 Cover Design - 26 is a mountain bike magazine. It is targeted towards the younger group of mountain bikers that seeks adventure and excitement.
Collateral Design - This collateral design topic is about Robbie Williams. The design was to reflect the exclusiveness of the concert itself and also the singer as someone professional in the industry.
Malaysia Airlines Annual Report - Shown here is a spread from the Malaysia Airlines annual report that i created. It is based on the theme and also Malaysia Airline's slogan which is 'Going Beyond Expectations'.
Dunk It - A promotional item for the launch of Swatch's Dunk It watch. It is very much graffiti inspired. I used a basketball packaging to promote the watch.
Xin Cuisine Mooncake Packaging - Xin Cuisine Mooncakes are green tea flavoured and i use the green colour scheme to relate it with the product. Illustration was used to convey the message and also to create excitement for the viewer
Kee Teik Jin
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia