Abandoned Phone Box Written there "HELO"
Spirit of Taiping (The Rain Town), Perak,Malaysia

Understanding the spirit of a place is important to generate a site-responsive design. In visiting a site, a designer collects information about physical, social and cultural conditions while perceiving nuances that may shape the future design directions. The type of inquiry, tool and environment all influence what we see. Traditionally, architects have used sketchbooks to record observations; now a whole spectrum of tools is available, including still cameras, video, tape recorders and measuring tools.
For this exercise,we are required to walk around the area, use camera and sketches to capture the distinctive atmosphere of the place and record your intuitive emotional response in a creative way so it is available and useful for the design process.

Ryuga Tjew
B.Sc Architecture . Creative Freelancer . Adobe Certified Trainee West Jakarta City, Indonesia