Wired - digital - Charlie understood that costumes and gimics were necessary in his line of work. He got used to the idea of playing a female. He was used to the bow, the dress made him feel pretty, but he just could not understand why he had to wear a chicken on his head.
Angry Red - digital sketch - Playing with value and one color.
Red and Green - acrylic sand-off - Cool light warm shadow and complimentary colors.
Lazy Eye - acrylic sand-off - He's being laughed at by the other weird-alien-octopi because of his lazy eye. Weird-alien-octopi can be so cruel.
Medusa - gouache - I think a mix of Marilyn and Medusa are appropriate. Killers both.
Monster Ballet - acrylic sand-off - I drew this guy in my sketchbook and decided I'd paint him out. He's just realized his obsession with Barbie movies has become a problem.
Narcoleptic Burglar - digital - Well, the narcoleptic burgler strikes again...and he picked a horrible time to crash. What will he tell his fellow inmates?
Saturation - acrylic sand-off - Sometimes when you grow up you have to trade fun for security. It sucks.
There's nothing quite like meeting a lurking stranger in a snow covered park.
Sven in the Storm - digital - From a personal project I am working on. The stormy environment Sven rides through in his little boat.
Heavenly Guidance - gouache/digital - Sometimes life just feels this way. You're not sure what to do when suddenly you get a gentle nudge in the right direction.
Value - acrylic sand-off - Even with security we miss freedom and fun.
Vampire Hunter - acrylic sand-off - I decided it would be funny if a confident vampire hunter waits until the last second to turn and stab the vampire (as they usually do) but this time she doesn't turn soon enough and moments later she's batchow. For some reason it's hilarious to me, I laugh just thinking about it.
Casey Stadler
Casey Stadler Smoot, WY