Hot Wheels boom box - The Hot Wheels brand was enhanced through the use of fresh and innovative features including sounds, lighting, role play and an overall style that inspires the imagination creating an emotional bond between child and product.
Hot Wheels alarm clock - The Hot Wheels brand was enhanced through the use of fresh and innovative features including sounds, lighting, role play and an overall style that inspires the imagination creating an emotional bond between child and product.
Hot Wheels CE sketches - Concept development sketches for Hot Wheels consumer electronic line - Research on children's play patterns revealed 4 distinct methods of interaction with Hot Wheels toys. These methods were translated into design concepts that enhanced the Hot Wheels brand message while providing unexpected added-value features for kids.
Hot Wheels CE sketches - Concept development sketches for Hot Wheels consumer electronic line - Research on children's play patterns revealed 4 distinct methods of interaction with Hot Wheels toys. These methods were translated into design concepts that enhanced the Hot Wheels brand message while providing unexpected added-value features for kids.
Hot Wheels Consumer Electronics 2008

Hot Wheels CE designed to inspire creative thought and imagination. Research on childrens’ play patterns revealed 4 distinct methods of interaction with Hot Wheels toys. These methods were translated into design concepts that reflect the Hot Wheels brand message. The product experience was enhanced through the use of fresh and innovative features including sounds, lighting, role play and an overall style that delivered unexpected added-value features for kids age 4-6.

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Tim Swiss
Industrial Design & Product Development San Diego, CA