Peugeot 1001 Nimble - As Concept, the present Project intends to create a small electric Car, easy to drive and simple to be produced. The Peugeot 1001 intends to be a compact and nimble vehicle, conceived for short travels, clearly a City Car. The vehicle’s body rests on four equal spheres, sized approximately 350mm diameter, each one driven by two electric motors, magnetically coupled, allowing easy and free movements in all directions, including 360º rotation around itself, even on travelling. An electric power supply, consisting of a rechargeable batteries set, installed on the vehicle’s floor, feeds all electric power demands, contributing, with its own weight, to improve the vehicle’s stability. The access to the interior set is made possible by two lateral doors, remote controlled, each one operated by means of one special mechanic arm, witch provides two sequential movements: outwards travelling and upwards rotation. Inside, we can find a sophisticated ambience, provided by white coloured materials, where the driver can enjoy an anatomic and stimulant navigation system. Vehicle’s overall estimated dimensions: L – 1700 mm, W – 1400 mm, H – 1700 mm.
Peugeot 1001 Nimble - As Concept, the present Project intends to create a small electric Car, easy to drive and simple to be produced. The Peugeot 1001 intends to be a compact and nimble vehicle, conceived for short travels, clearly a City Car. The vehicle’s body rests on four equal spheres, sized approximately 350mm diameter, each one driven by two electric motors, magnetically coupled, allowing easy and free movements in all directions, including 360º rotation around itself, even on travelling. An electric power supply, consisting of a rechargeable batteries set, installed on the vehicle’s floor, feeds all electric power demands, contributing, with its own weight, to improve the vehicle’s stability. The access to the interior set is made possible by two lateral doors, remote controlled, each one operated by means of one special mechanic arm, witch provides two sequential movements: outwards travelling and upwards rotation. Inside, we can find a sophisticated ambience, provided by white coloured materials, where the driver can enjoy an anatomic and stimulant navigation system. Vehicle’s overall estimated dimensions: L – 1700 mm, W – 1400 mm, H – 1700 mm.
Peugeot 1001 Nimble - As Concept, the present Project intends to create a small electric Car, easy to drive and simple to be produced. The Peugeot 1001 intends to be a compact and nimble vehicle, conceived for short travels, clearly a City Car. The vehicle’s body rests on four equal spheres, sized approximately 350mm diameter, each one driven by two electric motors, magnetically coupled, allowing easy and free movements in all directions, including 360º rotation around itself, even on travelling. An electric power supply, consisting of a rechargeable batteries set, installed on the vehicle’s floor, feeds all electric power demands, contributing, with its own weight, to improve the vehicle’s stability. The access to the interior set is made possible by two lateral doors, remote controlled, each one operated by means of one special mechanic arm, witch provides two sequential movements: outwards travelling and upwards rotation. Inside, we can find a sophisticated ambience, provided by white coloured materials, where the driver can enjoy an anatomic and stimulant navigation system. Vehicle’s overall estimated dimensions: L – 1700 mm, W – 1400 mm, H – 1700 mm.
Seat EVA - Seat Eva é um automóvel citadino eléctrico, que poderá ser usado como transporte individual ou familiar, com linhas curvas e suaves, mas presentes como as de “uma Lady” podendo ser produzido em cores vivas e alegres como o lilás, laranja, verde lima, amarelo e outras cores vibrantes contrastando com o “cizentismo” das cidades. SEAT EVA, um sonho de mulher.
Seat Flamenco - SEAT Flamenco revela-se um veículo bilugar, com dimensões generosas (C 3.900 x L 2.100 A 1.200 mm), de formas orgânicas, onde a combinação de vidro escurecido com o vermelho metalizado, nos desafiam a entrar num habitáculo espaçoso, onde a função e a estética se combinam. Um sistema de abertura de portas vertical, alude à dança de mãos, associado a um espectacular tecto panorâmico, dão-nos largas à imaginação.
Seat Flamenco - SEAT Flamenco revela-se um veículo bilugar, com dimensões generosas (C 3.900 x L 2.100 A 1.200 mm), de formas orgânicas, onde a combinação de vidro escurecido com o vermelho metalizado, nos desafiam a entrar num habitáculo espaçoso, onde a função e a estética se combinam. Um sistema de abertura de portas vertical, alude à dança de mãos, associado a um espectacular tecto panorâmico, dão-nos largas à imaginação.
Seat Barcelona - Seat Barcelona é um SUV. Veículo todo o terreno, pensado para a plataforma do Seat Leon, Combinando as linhas fluidas características da SEAT, reforçando-as dando-lhe mais robustez. Seat Barcelona é um SUV muito versátil, vocacionado para o transporte de 5 passageiros e objectos para desportos radicais como kitesurf, BTT, surf, dispondo do espaço necessário para o transporte mais cómodo de todos.
Seat Spirit - Seat Spirit é um veículo fluido, dinâmico, determinado, marcante. A sua aparência invulgar, baseada na união dos opostos, revela-se, mostrando um veículo bi-lugar de proporções reduzidas e estreitas (L 1,5 x C 2,5m x A 1,7m). No habitáculo co-habitam dois passageiros, duas forças complementares. É um veículo ecológico, movido a energia eléctrica, com quatro motores estanques e independentes, possuidores de uma tracção excedível para ultrapassar os maiores obstáculos.
Concept vehicles
Tiago Lince
Designer Criativo Lisbon, Portugal