According to the post-war French fashion house founder and designer Pierre Balmain “Good fashion is evolution, not revolution”. Even Gertrude Stein gave Balmain a thumbs up for creating clothes that were not just sophisticated and elegant, but that real people could actually wear.
Streetwear from Fi5th - “Good fashion is evolution, not revolution”
It is therefore no surprising that FI5TH Clothing, known for its men’s wear (mostly tees, sweats, tracksuits and shoes) in clean, geometric lines of two contrasting colours. Some are red and black, some black and white and others electric blue on black. Others are quieter yet with overlapping patches of triangles in the same shade but different fabrics. FI5TH likes to vary its fabrics, even in the same garment, so you will easily find the very sheer with huskier weights.
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