This project idea came directly from our MBA colleague who used to be a high school Math teacher in DC. During his early career, he encountered frustrations of not having enough class preparation. With limited resources, he spent tremendously more time outside school, day and night, preparing and finding the best teaching methods for his students. From his experience, we were motivated to investigate into teaching preparation and find a way to improve the teaching collaborations.
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We interviewed with teachers, school administrators, and educational tool developers in the Bay area to learn about the teaching collaborations in school. Above picture shows an example of insight from interviews and observations. It's one of the way an experienced Math teacher in Berkeley, CA organized class materials by day of the week.
After 25+ hour-long-interviews with teachers, school administrators, and , educational tool developers, we got together and discussed about the insights and generate organized the intrinsic needs in the teaching collaboration. Wordle attached above shows some of the intrinsic needs.
From the insights, we generated approximately 100 ideas to improve the teaching collaboration. Then narrowed them down by different decision making tools to achieve the most viable and effective teaching collaboration solution.
The most promising solution turned out to be a web app for teaching collaboration. It was designed for experienced teachers to share their teaching technique and materials with new teachers. It's scalable and is financially feasible according to our financial analysis.
The content management was also designed from the insight from the interviews. It focused on sharing the teaching materials and connecting teachers.
After going through the design process from insight gathering and organization, to idea generation and prototype creation, we got to present our ideas to the investors and business consultants in a mock trade show.
Teach Together

Teacher is a lonely profession. According to our interviews with teachers around the Bay area, and DC, collaboration between teachers who teach similar subjects between different schools is scarce. This reduces the teaching effectiveness, and cause frustrations for new teachers.

I worked with my Teach Together consists of 3 MBA candidates and 1 information designer to develop a solution to solve this problem. We went through different product development process from customer research, to ideas generation, to prototyping and validation, and to business development. These processes fully captured the design thinking process in a 4 months time periods. I was in charge of interviewing teachers, school administrators, parents, and web masters around the Bay area to gain insights. Then we generated 75 crazy ideas for the solution and converge those ideas into one final concept.

Our final concept is a web app that connects the teachers together with contents and blog type environment.

Theerapat Yangyuenthanasan
Mechanical Design Engineer at U. S. Bionics Berkeley, CA