Joining the MRacing team is simple: show up. However, having more responsibility on the car needs some proves. A group of student spent countless hours (far exceed the time spent on school works) on designing, analyzing, iterating from one design to another, manufacturing, and making final adjustment on the car. For an aerodynamics device to be put on the car, at least 30 iterations were done in design before start the costly and high precision manufacturing process (no more than 0.01 in error tolerance). What is the results of this hardworking? I consider the moment the car is running one of the most rewarding one in my life. Seeing our team performed well in competitions is another big extra achievement in life.
This is a front view photo of MR 13 car by Multidisciplinary program at the University of Michigan. This is the first MRacing car model to go full aerodynamic in the past 10 years. To capture the empathy on this car design, please visit this FormulaStudentTV’s Youtube video
A rear view of the MR13 car by Multidisciplinary Program at the Unviersity of Michigan. Dramatic changes have been made to this car as compared to MR 12, mostly due to the integration of aerodynamic package.
MR12 team received world recognition: 1st in acceleration at Michigan Formula SAE competition 2012 5th overall at Michigan Formula SAE competition 2012 2nd in acceleration at Formula Student Germany 2012
MR 11 car was tested in a parking lot during April 2011. The weather was freezing and came the hail. A day outside this cold and wet weather, along with possible mechanical failures that could happened, contributed to this extremely challenging experience. This was one of the decisive moments for me to get fully involved in this MRacing team.
Formula SAE (MRacing team 2012, 2013)

A Formula SAE (FSAE) car is a 600 cc, air restricted, Formula type car. An MRacing FSAE car can accelerate 0-60 mph in 3 secs and corner at 1.8 g.

The Formula SAE student team design, optimize, build, test, and race the car against the other international Formula Student car teams. In short, this is an intense student automotive design team project.

My responsibility in this team was Aerodynamics Analysis. This includes designing aerodynamics bodywork using Computer Aided Design (CAD); analyzing full car aerodynamics force balance using steady state Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD); simulating air flow in an intake manifold using transient CFD and flowbench test; fabricating and designing a wind tunnel test for aerodynamics wingsl and analyzing the aerodynamics testing data.

A Youtube video highlighting the bodywork and aerodynamics design can be found at FormulaStudentTV’s Youtube video:

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Theerapat Yangyuenthanasan
Mechanical Design Engineer at U. S. Bionics Berkeley, CA