Green Dog Pet Supply: Store-front Signage - Store front signage for Green Dog Pet Supply screen printed on reclaimed bamboo flooring and scrap metal from a near by construction site.
Stationary Package - Stationary Package for environmentally conscious pet supply store including letterhead, envleope, and business card.
Green Dog Pet Supply

Green Dog Pet Supply is a sustainable pet supply store that upholds the idea that pets should be able to enjoy the values of an organic, sustainable lifestyle just as much as their owners do . The concept of re-using and re-cycling is the core philosophy behind this small business and their “Green” pet supplies. The challenge here was to portray a dog without making it look like a specific breed, while incorporating the recycling symbol and the color green. All this had to be achieved while targeting a forward thinking audience between the ages of 24-56 who uphold the ideas of a sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle and reside in the east-side communities of Portland, Oregon.

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Dave Smith
Designer Portland, OR