Urban Birdhouse - New York City has over 10,000 members in its Audubon Society making it New York's leading environmental organization. With hundreds of species of birds inhabiting the city, many of which create their nests in small cavities or piping, the Urban Birdhouse looks to offer nature enthusiasts a solution to keep in touch and form a relationship with their feathered neighbors. Also a great way for kids to become interested in birding and learn about Nature.
Urban Birdhouse Features - What distinguishes this product from other birdhouses are its unique set of features designed to promote bird viewing. It mounts securly into any appartment window frame and invites city birds who primarily look to create their dwelling in small cavities of city buildings. The viewing window begins opaque until the user thinks they have secured a nesting bird, in which it can then be twisted to transparent for up-close birdwatching.
Hands-on & Ethnographic Research of Birders - Birding happens to be one of the largest growing hobbies in the US, falling just under gardening and golf. This project emphasized strong ethnographic research techniques, and had me shadow a specific user group out in the real world to develope a product based on qualitative information. I learned a lot about profiling and how to formulate good questions. I also learned the difference between what people say and the reality of what they actually do.
Urban Birdhouse
Theo Aldridge
Hard Home Designer New York, NY