The tiles that appear when a player selects a unit on his turn. Blue tiles show where the unit can move. Orange tiles show where the unit can attack.
This shows the area that selected enemy units can attack on their next turn. It refreshes after a player unit has ended a move action or it becomes the player's turn.
This shows the battle confirmation between the attacker player unit and the selected target enemy unit. This allows the player to see how well the attack will go before committing to the attack.
This shows the number that appears when an unit has been hit. The enemy infantry on the mountain has an 8 showing it has 8 health left and is actually hurt. Units with full health do not show any number.
This shows the display when the player's turn has ended their turn to let the player know the turns switch and also allow the transition between player soundtrack to enemy soundtrack. Also it prevents enemies from instantly moving so the player can be ready for unit movements.
This shows the display when the enemy ends their turn to let the player know the turns switch and also allow the transition between enemy soundtrack to player soundtrack.
The armory where the player can manage units before selecting a level to battle the AI on. The player can buy units or improve current units that the player owns. Units the player has are units the player has brought and haven't died in battle yet.
This shows the prompt when the buy units button is clicked. This shows the price of a new unit and how much it costs. Button become inactive when the player has a full army or can't afford it.
This is the level select screen. The player can chose a level side that controls the army size of the enemy. The player can also select a difficulty that controls the amount of AI thoughts that go into moving a unit. Both map and difficulty affect overall gold gain from winning the battle.
The small map. This map fits on the entire screen. Other maps do not and require the player to scroll to see more.
The player side of a medium map.
The enemy side of a medium map.
The player side of a large map.
The center of a large map.
The enemy side of a large map.
Advance Tactics

A solo final project for a Mobile Game class. Programmed in xcode 5 and put onto an iPad 2 device. This project was done over the course of a month. All sprites were taken from free sprite sites and are from the game Advance Wars. Sound effects in the game were also taken from free sources, mostly from Fire Emblem sounds.

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