Residentialization - Operation for "residentialization" to increase spaces. Between street (public) and home (private), we drew semipublic space : access is reserved for the inhabitants but there are no barriers to separate it from the street. We privileged a supple limit, made by a bank with a natural hedge.
Social housing central place - Working for a social housing office, our team (urban designer + urban sociologist + architect-town planner) proposed a new approach for social districts, inspired by the medical "situational approach". So we proposed a new vision of urban planning. Here, the central place of the district, for which we install a "Roman forum" : north-south pedestrian stream, central pavilion attracting people from the street or the tramway towards the businesses of the place.
Social housing playground - With our new approach for social districts, we opened a north-south pedestrian axis at the top of which we reorganized the playground, by improving its legibility and by defining the manners for all the ages. Balconies, plate glass windows and the flora create a "third private space" : public by definition, this space at feet of buildings is organized so that people feel at home and so that the children play safely.
Urban design
teypteyp Albertville, France