Alice Through The Looking Glass - conceptual walkthrough - Here is a "walk-through" ride concept for Alice through The Looking Glass, the famed sequel by Lewis Carrol. I added elements of design to the "forest" walk-through, including the Savage Teaot, the Lonely Flower, and alight-spirit being choked by "vines of society"
Skate/Surf/Snow - First row: a skateboarding shoe I designed Second row: a surfboard I designed for a project regarding children with autism; a nonprofit called Surfers Healing takes autistic kids out surfing, which is therepeutic, so the surfboard is a promotional device with a logo I designed on the board - the surfboard is also shaped especially for kids, made with a foam top, straps for hanging on, etc. - this was not actually designed for the company, it was a school project!!! Row 2, last image: part of a trade show space project for chorus snowboards, figures in 18th centry costume are fainting before mirrors, while on the other side, a woman in snowboarding clothes is doing a trick that mirrors the fainting woman's pose - the concept is "Potential"
Experimental Community Dormitory - The Experimental Community Dormitory uses the honeycomb structure of the beehive and a feeling of responsiblilty towards the envoronment to bring its inhabitants closer together. Each rooftop has a different activity, meant to promote community gathering. Each rooftop is also equipped with solar panels that double as skylights, grass roofs for insulation, and green building materials to promote sustainablility.
Formal studies - Formas studies carved from plaster