ColorLink Website - Led website project. Web Design, site map, and graphics. Photoshop was used for photo images editing. Provided content, photos and graphics, 2006. After roll out, developed and maintained site with HTML and CSS. Adhered to web standards and best practices.

ColorLink Website - Led website project. Web Design, site map, and graphics. Photoshop was used for photo images editing. Provided content, photos and graphics, 2006. After roll out, developed and maintained site with HTML and CSS. Adhered to web standards and best practices.

C3WE Program website development in Drupal, (2015) with HTML and CSS. Custom Content Type and Views, two customized slideshows in footers. Website design and development adhered to organizational branding policy and guidelines, as well as web best practices.

Developed new program site in Drupal, 2014. Website designed according to organizational branding policy and guidelines.

Developed new Program website in Drupal, 2015. Used HTML and CSS. Photoshop was used for photo images editing. Illustrator and Photoshop were used to create the RV logo and update with text in the banner. Website designed according to organizational branding policy and guidelines.
Designed the Rising Voices spiral logo in, Illustrator, 2012. https://risingvoices.ucar.edu/

CHIME Research program site developed in Drupal, 2015. Website designed according to organizational branding policy and guidelines.

C3WE website development in Drupal with HTML and CSS. Events page. Custom Views and Content Types. Two customized sideshows in footer, Staff and Partners. Website design and development adhered to organizational branding policy and guidelines and best practices. Photoshop used for images.

North American Hail website development/design using Drupal, 2018. Lodging page. Website design adhered to organizational branding policy and guidelines.

RIVETT Program website development/design, 2017. Contact form. Overall website design adhered to organizational branding policy and guidelines and web best practices.

RealD Scientific website 2008 - Updated site and added graphics. Used Adobe Dreamweaver, Photoshop and Illustrator.

ColorLink Website - Led website project. Web Design, site map, and graphics. Photoshop was used for photo images editing. Provided content, photos and graphics, 2006. After roll out, developed and maintained site with HTML and CSS. Adhered to web standards and best practices.

SnapWave Datasheet (front & back) - Worked with new product development team. Named product, created graphics, design and layout for technical datasheet.

Website designed and developed per client's specifications. Straight coding, HTML and CSS. Continue production and maintain site, 2012 - present.

School project 2008. - Website developed and designed in Drupal. HTML, CSS and PHP.

Class project. - Form done in HTML & CSS straight coding. Video and Audio with scrolling credits Applet.

School project. - Website developed and designed in Drupal. HTML, CSS and PHP.

Lighthouse Donation form - Form done in HTML, CSS, and Javascript, straight coding. School project.