Shutter Speed Shutter Speed from Terrell Smith Shutter Speed 1.Adjustment2.Crop Tool3.Layer styles4.Filters Water Ballon 2013. I used fast shutter speed 1/10, and ISO of 1600. I used Adjustments and Crop Tool. Water Ballon 2013. I used fast shutter speed 1/10, and ISO 1600. I used Layer Styles and Filter Ball of light 2013. My camera was on 15 seconds. I used Brightness/Contrast. Light collage 2013. I applied five different light drawings to create my collage. I applied Magic wand tool,crop tool, and hue saturation gLike Shutter Speed 1.Adjustment2.Crop Tool3.Layer styles4.Filters Photographic Styling Share R 7 n Terrell Smith Student Sparta Township, NJ Follow Contact