Logo Design - Echo Groups, The Gathering [MS & HS], Life Changers, and The Bridge are 5 components of the youth ministry at TCC. Designed for Youth Pastor Kevin Deming in partnership with Adam Long.
CAPS FOR CHEMO - On a very limited budget [none] I wanted to find a way to promote the Caps for Chemo program hosted through NCSU's Catholic Campus Ministry. Every 1000 caps that were collected would provide a child with a free chemotherapy session. As a Resident Advisor I have authority to program within the residence halls. These signs were designed for placement on each floors elevator shaft, but also resided in groups in common areas such as above. *We collected 3,096 in 2 weeks!
Foyer Banners - [2.5x6ft] These banners stand in the foyer of the church and serve as advertisements for their respective groups.
Youth Center Banners - [2.5x6ft] These banners are located on the Youth Center itself.
Ministry Fair Flyer
Informational Brochures - This is a front and back view of the informational brochures. The first is for Kingdom Quest [infants through preschoolers] and the second is for Promiseland [kindergarten through 5th grade]. The church will be providing the text as it will periodically change.
Ministry Deliverables