Lomay Auto DealerShip - This is my web banner for Lomay Auto Dealership. I has design on Photoshop CS5 with gradient fill to angle on the right and the style is Linear. The color was used is Blue. I had drawer an bow from Illustrator CS5. I had went to used the magic wand tool for the car. I had to used the outer glow from the effect for the car.
Secret Love - This is my web banner for Secret Love. I has design on Photoshop CS5 with gradient fill to to the left of the angle and the style is Linear. The color was used is black. I used the magic wand tool for the flower to transport to the banner. I had copy and paste two at a time. The font that was used for Edwardian Script ITC and Myriad Pro.
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Candy Shop - This is my web banner for Candy Shop. I has design on Photoshop CS5 with gradient fill to angle on the right and the style is Linear. The color was used is Pink. I had transport the candy picture to the banner with the magic wand tool. The font that was used for Showcard Gothic.
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Web Banner