Darklight - These are my Darklight Logo. I had design on Illustrator CS5 by created each different tool. I has make four different design to give the logo its identity. The Font that I used Time New Roman, Arial Regular, Arial Black, Eras Demi ITC, Rockwell Extra Bold.
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Fullscope - These are my Fullscope Technology Logo. I had design on Illustrator CS5 by created each different tool. I has make four different design to give the logo its identity. The font that I used Arial Regular, Century Gothic, Lithos Pro.
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Palm Islee - These are my Palm Islee Restaurant Logo. I had design on Illustrator CS5 by created each different tool. I has make four different design to give the logo its identity. The font that I used Arial Black, Arial Regular, Century Gothic, Myriad Pro, Impact, Lucida Handwriting Italic.
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