James' Bakery | Brand Identity

James' Bakery
Always fresh and always delicious.
Houston, Texas.

James' Bakery is a top notch dessert and pastry shop based in Houston, Texas. The beginnings of this brand date back to the grandfather of the current owner, a grandfather name was James Stiffen. James Stiffen had a son, who named his child after his father James Junior. James Jr. is the current owner of this bakery, he inherited the bakery after the death of his father. He renamed it to pay tribute to his grandfather. He decided that with the new name he wants to invest in a new branding.

The challenge:

I want the bakery to give a premium feel. But also to show that it is for everyone and not just rich customers. I want the bakery to look modern but also to show its long history.
I like logos with icons the most, but I'm open to anything, what I would definitely like is simplicity. I like strong contrast and I would like the brand to be visible on the streets, through flyers, advertisement.

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Teodor Milinkovic
Graphic Designer Lazarevac, Serbia